Are villager price increases due to killing them temporary?

So I killed a villager, at the time I didn't know that it would cause the other villager's trade to increase by so much... and I was wondering how long they would keep it high? or if its a permanent thing?

I'm on Java 1.14.3.

Is there any other way to lower their prices other than defeating a raid?

Solution 1:

Villagers use gossip to determine prices

Hitting Villagers or a villages Iron Golem creates minor_negative gossip and killing villagers or a villages Iron Golem creates major_negative gossip, raising prices.

Curing Zombie Villagers creates major_positive gossip and buying from the last trade slot creates trade and minor_positive gossip, Lowering prices.

Completing raids will lower prices for a certain amount of time and the villagers will give you gifts depending on their profession. (

Prices will stay raised / lowered until you do something good / bad