How to convert seconds to time format? [duplicate]

For some reason I convert a time format like: 03:30 to seconds 3*3600 + 30*60, now. I wanna convert it back to its first (same) format up there. How could that be?

My attempt:

3*3600 + 30*60 = 12600 

12600 / 60 = 210 / 60 = 3.5, floor(3.5) = 3 = hour

Now, what about the minutes?

Considering the value can be like 19:00 or 02:51. I think you got the picture.

And by the way, how to convert 2:0 for example to 02:00 using RegEx?

This might be simpler

gmdate("H:i:s", $seconds)

PHP gmdate

$hours = floor($seconds / 3600);
$mins = floor($seconds / 60 % 60);
$secs = floor($seconds % 60);

If you want to get time format:

$timeFormat = sprintf('%02d:%02d:%02d', $hours, $mins, $secs);

If the you know the times will be less than an hour, you could just use the date() or $date->format() functions.

$minsandsecs = date('i:s',$numberofsecs);

This works because the system epoch time begins at midnight (on 1 Jan 1970, but that's not important for you).

If it's an hour or more but less than a day, you could output it in hours:mins:secs format with `

$hoursminsandsecs = date('H:i:s',$numberofsecs);

For more than a day, you'll need to use modulus to calculate the number of days, as this is where the start date of the epoch would become relevant.

Hope that helps.

Maybe the simplest way is:

gmdate('H:i:s', $your_time_in_seconds);

Let $time be the time as number of seconds.

$seconds = $time % 60;
$time = ($time - $seconds) / 60;
$minutes = $time % 60;
$hours = ($time - $minutes) / 60;

Now the hours, minutes and seconds are in $hours, $minutes and $seconds respectively.