Find the location of file in Linux environments

Solution 1:

This will give you all of the libmysql files recognized by the linker. The higher on the list has the higher priority and is more likely to be linked against.

/sbin/ldconfig -p | grep mysql | cut -d\> -f2

One caveat though is that since most applications link by doing a gcc -lmysqlclient they will favor a file in the ldconfig listed as rather than .so.15 or whatever. So personally I would assume that the first is the correct one.

Solution 2:

Which shared object library is used depends on the user enviroment and binary that is run. If you su - USER to the user that is running the binary and then run the command ldd MYSQLBINARY | grep mysqlclient that will determine which mysqlclient library is going to be used.

By default on most Linux systems, /usr/lib (used for x86 binaries) and /usr/lib64 (used for x86_64 bit binaries).

Btw, running locate to get a list of all the shared objects that are installed system wide (probably won't report .so files installed in user paths though).