How to stop iOS 13 Personal Hotspot dropping out after 3 minutes even when plugged into power?

The Personal Hotspot on iOS 13 will stay on for long periods, when paired to Mac. (Note that the Mac -> iOS tethering has unique operating system support different to simply connecting to a wifi host.) This is when the iOS device is plugged into power.

In contrast, when shared over WIFI to a PC, it drops out after 3-7 minutes. This is even when the iOS device hosting the internet connection is plugged into power. The same PC stays connected to an ADSL modem sharing over WIFI for hours. This occurs even though I leave the phone on the hotspot page in settings. I’m using the PC continuously (working from home) when this occurs.

My question is: How to stop iOS 13 Personal Hotspot dropping out after 3 minutes even when plugged into power?

Solution 1:

The hotspot on iOS 13 is stable and solid for me to connect windows 10 and iOS and macOS from 10.13 and higher for more than an hour, so the presumption that iOS is the culprit might be worth investigating.

At worst, your device needs an erase and install if its struggling to share out the network. Do you suspect your iOS device needs repair or are you in an enviromnemt where WiFi interference is high?