Linux Shell - Sort a text file by the length of each line, then print the shortest line

Solution 1:

The commands

while IFS= read -r line
    echo "${#line} $((++line_num)) $line"
done < file.txt > tmpfile.txt

will create a file called tmpfile.txt, which looks like this:

20 1 This is many letters
11 2 This is few
2 3 Hi
29 4 This is a very long sentence.

where each line is preceded by its length and its line number.  Then sort -n tmpfile.txt will yield:

2 3 Hi
11 2 This is few
20 1 This is many letters
29 4 This is a very long sentence.

which is sorted by line length.  You can then send that to head -n1 to get the first line (i.e., the shortest line) or tail -n1 to get the last line (i.e., the longest line).  Or use sort -nr to reverse the order, so you can use head -n1 to get the longest line.  (This might be infinitesimally more efficient than using tail.)

If you want to see only the shortest line, you can use a pipe and avoid creating the temporary file:

while IFS= read -r line
    echo "${#line} $((++line_num)) $line"
done < file.txt | sort -n | head -n1

This would probably be more efficient in awk.