Can access Windows share by IP or FQDN address but not by hostname

One of the lab computers at the school I administer is not able to access a any shares under the \\ad\data$ directory. I can access it from any other computer on the network. If I use the IP \\\data$ I can access the files properly. If I use the FQDN: \\\data$ it also works. Any other computer at the school is also able to access this share properly.

When I try to access the share with \\ad\data$ I get the message "You do not have permission to access \\ad\data$. Contact your administrator to request access." I am logged in with the domain administrator account.

Any idea on what would cause a single domain computer to not be able to access a share that it should have access to?

The server is running Windows Server 2008 and the computer is running Windows 7 SP1.


Issue is now happening on multiple other computers on the network, staff computers and student computers. I am starting to think there is something seriously wrong with the Active Directory server.

Solution 1:

Win7/server 2008 > control panel type in "Credential manager" and delete any saved credentials.

Solution 2:

I have just had a similiar problem.

We have a domain and AD, and all users home folders are set up in the AD.

The user works on a terminal server and her home folder works fine On the new notebook we were setting up for her, the drive was mapped, but if you tried to access it via unc or by double clicking on the mapped drive it gave an error of the location could not be found.

Browsing through a few other forums I noticed someone asked if the home folder could be access via IP or FQDN. When I tried that I could access the folder.

At first I also thought it was a DNS problem.

Reading further on someone said " try deleted the CSC cache", and then I almost swore at myself. Knowing that this notebook was used by another user that made use of offline files (Also their home folder on the same server). I found a quick way to delete the CSC cache on Win 7 (its a lot easier on XP). Rebooted the computer and the problem was solved.

Here are the links I found the info on:

Solution 3:

I have seen an issue like this and it was caused by the DNS being set not to append the domain name automatically.

So, I would check that Append primary and connection specific DNS suffixes is selected and that Append parent suffixes of the primary DNS suffix is ticked.

This can be found via

Control Panel\Network and Internet\Network and Sharing Center
Local Area Connection Status
Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) and/or Internet Protocol Version 6 (TCP/IPv6) 

Solution 4:

I had the same problem (happened to me several times) and I resolved it by deleting all connected shares and recreating them. There have been multiple connections to same locations (using different URLs) and I suspect that it was the reason of problems.

Using command line:

  1. To see currently connected shares
    net use
  2. To delete connection to share Y on
    net use \\\Y /delete
  3. To delete connection to share Y on XXX
    net use \\XXX\Y /delete
  4. To delete mapped network drive
    net use Y: /delete
  5. To reconnect mapped network drive
    net use Y: \\\Y /PERSISTENT:YES /USER:XXX\user /SAVECRED

Another potential suspect is Samsung PC Share manager. After uninstalling it from the host the problem disappeared.

Solution 5:

It could be possible that the client computer is using saved credentials. You can check using the Windows Credential Manager under Control panel.

Does this occur under a Local Admin account, eg machine_name\Administrator?

Is the machine authenticating to the domain controller properly?