How to search files at windows folder search that have dash

How can I find files in Windows Explorer where the name contains -?

The following search expression will match all files that contain a - character:



  • ~ literal match

  • * wildcard match

  • - match the -

  • * wildcard match

So ~*-* will match all filenames with any characters before a literal - and any characters after a literal -

You can also " the search expression, so


will also work.

I had a similar problem with a file named hello-world. So if I tried searching only the word hello the file could be found. If I tried searching the word world the file is not found. In my search I did not use the -. However there seems to be some problem if the filename contains a -.

After trying to change indexing options and other complicated stuff the best solution I found was to search with a *.

So for example the search term *world finds my file. For now on I will be searching only with the *.