showing project folder in title bar for Visual Studio Code

Solution 1:

Use window.title in user/workspace settings

The documentation is here with the full list of options of what can be shown. It's quite flexible.

In your case, to display angular2-training - main.ts you can use this

  "window.title": "${rootName}${separator}${activeEditorShort}"

Older VS Code versions

The above only works in v1.10 and up. Here's how to do it in older versions:

v1.9, v1.8 - "window.showFullPath": true shows the full path to the current file, so you can at least see the project folder. Note this config is unsupported after v1.10

v1.7 and below - it's not possible

Solution 2:

On version 1.13

Go to settings, inside UserSettings add this line to the json blob:

"window.title": "${activeEditorLong}"

On version 1.41.1

enter image description here