Is there a way to bookmark code in a Visual Studio project?

In Visual Studio, you can set Bookmarks in the code.

To jump between Bookmarks:

Ctrl + K + N (for next)


Ctrl + K + P (for previous)

To toggle a Bookmark on/off for a line:

Ctrl + K + K

Yes, press the hotkey combination Ctrl + K + K (that's Ctrl and K, followed by another K) to toggle a bookmark.

Then you can do Ctrl + K + N for the next bookmark and Ctrl + K + P for the previous bookmark.

It works like a charm!

With ReSharper, there's a more flexible way of making bookmarks and navigating to them.

You can press Ctrl + Shift + Number for example 3. And then refer to that by Ctrl + 3.

I could use the TODO feature, adding my own custom prefix of "BOOKMARK", or "BM" if I'm going to be lazy.

MSDN Documentation For Custom Tags