How to correctly disable auto-hide in Unity 2d? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate:
How do I set the launcher to always show in Unity 2d?

I'm using unity-2d in ubuntu 11.04 since 3d version is not working good in virtual machines (i use virtualbox from MacOS X). All works fine except auto-hide.

With windows and Mac OS i get user for taskbar to be permanently on the screen - so i have issued "gconf-editor" and changed auto-hide for unity from "2" to "0". This stops it from hiding, but now all windows that i start (firefox, explorer etc) completely ignores unity taskbar and alignes themself on the left side of screen as if taskbar is hidden :(.

Is it any way to fix it and make fullscreen / newly created windows to correctly align themselves on the right side of taskbar and not ignore it?

Alan's answer doesn't work on Unity 2D because it doesn't use Compize.

If I got you right this might be the solution for your question: In gconf-editor enable "use_strut" in Unity 2D's settings (desktop -> unity-2d -> launcher). In addition Mariano Chavero has made "A simple GUI for Unity-2D Settings":