What versions of Minecraft are available for Windows 10, and what are their differences?

Solution 1:

There are 2 versions of minecraft, Bedrock and Java. They each have pros and cons. Bedrock edition is the same version you have on your mobile device, so I don't need to tell you about that, the differences are minimal between platforms, however java is very different from bedrock. There are some key differences I will list.

  • You cannot play java servers with bedrock edition and cannot play bedrock servers with java edition. However some servers are both bedrock and java however a bedrock player and java player still cant play together.
  • Java edition has the ability to play any version of minecraft ever released, bedrock can only play the latest
  • Bedrock and java have two very different combat systems.
  • Java edition has more customizability due to the fact that it is much easier to mod the game.
  • Java edition has no marketplace, meaning almost all maps, resource packs and other downloadable community made content is free
  • Skins dont cost money on Java edition
  • There are no emotes with java edition (though you can install mods to add them)
  • there is no skin creator in java edition
  • There is a debug menu that shows details about the game like your coordinates in java edition
  • Java edition and bedrock edition have different command structures for some commands and bedrock edition has much less support for nbt changing commands
  • Java edition is by default less optimized, however many mods like sodium and optifine optimize it very well

That's pretty much all I could think of, feel free to edit this if I got something wrong.