Use 'Shift + Caps lock' instead of 'Caps Lock'

Solution 1:

In autohotkey:


Though you could then set Capslock itself to a much more useful function rather than disabling it entirely. You could have it equal to shift, for example:


or set it to open/switch to Firefox:

SetTitleMatchMode, 2
IfWinExist, Mozilla Firefox
IfWinActive, Mozilla Firefox
Send ^t
Send !d
sleep, 100
Send ^a
Run %programfiles%\Mozilla Firefox 3.1 Beta 3\firefox.exe

(Though the latter would need a tiny bit of configuration for FF's path, and how long you need the sleep to be)

Solution 2:

You can use Autohotkey for this


Solution 3:

The small free application CapsUnlock does this fine.

CapsUnlock supersedes the locking mechanism of the CapsLock key and thus prevents the accidental turning on of CapsLock. It runs as a little tray application in the taskbar. The user can select an override option, which allows CapsLock to be switched on and off by holding down the left Shift key while pressing CapsLock.

Solution 4:

I use SharpKeys and map my Caps Lock to be a mute button on my PCs. I use it all the time now.