Can I use Preview to make this GIF file size smaller?

Here is a 2.6 MB GIF that I would like to post in a Stack Exchange question. That means it needs to be under 2 MB or 2 MiB (I can't remember which).

Viewing the GIF frame-by-frame with Preview, I can see that there are

  1. Some doubled frames that could be removed
  2. Some frames at the end that could be removed

In addition I might want to

  1. resize all frames by say 20%
  2. slow down the replay speed to compensate for the removed doubled-frames

Can I do any (or even all) of these using Preview (or anything else available standard in MacOS) and then save as a repeating GIF?

Update: I was successful in deleting enough frames using Preview, and to successfully include the edited GIF in an SE question with some difficulty (Preview freezes and "jiggling thumbnail" warnings. However that converts it to a non-repeating GIF.

GIF is now non-repeating, reload to replay, or watch the video:

enter image description here

Solution 1:

Yes you can. Open the gif in Preview and you'll get (I got) 48 images. Click on the "View" menu and select "Thumbnails" to display all images as Thumbnails. Give it a second or 2 to display all images. Once that is done go to "Edit" menu and select "display all" or click ⌘-a (command-a) to select all the thumbnails. Next go to "Tools" in the menu bar and select "Adjust Size". This brings up a pane where you can adjust the image size using standard sizes or by the number of pixels. It will use your settings on all selected thumbnails.