Yum install fails on Ubuntu EC2 instance

Solution 1:

Ubuntu is based on Debian, which uses apt not yum which is what Red Hat uses. The Debian equivalent of:

yum update -y

Would be:

sudo apt-get update

As for your results when running apt-get install yum

Err http://us-west-2.ec2.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ precise-updates/main libnss3 amd64 3.14.3-0ubuntu0.12.04.1
403  Forbidden

Would seem to indicate you don't have access to that file (I get the same forbidden error myself).

apt-get update should resolve your 404 errors, which are probably just caused by an unsynced or outdated package index.

I'm not entirely sure how Amazon operates their EC2 servers, but you should be able to install a LAMP stack withtaskel see: What's the easiest way to set up a LAMP stack?

Solution 2:

To resolve the "forbidden" errors use:

sudo apt-get install yum

instead of apt-get install yum