How to get the path of the batch script in Windows?

I know that %0 contains the full path of the batch script, e.g. c:\path\to\my\file\abc.bat

I would path to be equal to c:\path\to\my\file

How could I achieve that ?

%~dp0 will be the directory. Here's some documentation on all of the path modifiers. Fun stuff :-)

To remove the final backslash, you can use the :n,m substring syntax, like so:

SET mypath=%~dp0
echo %mypath:~0,-1%

I don't believe there's a way to combine the %0 syntax with the :~n,m syntax, unfortunately.

%~dp0 may be a relative path. To convert it to a full path, try something like this:

pushd %~dp0
set script_dir=%CD%

You can use following script to get the path without trailing "\"

for %%i in ("%~dp0.") do SET "mypath=%%~fi"

You can use %~dp0, d means the drive only, p means the path only, 0 is the argument for the full filename of the batch file.

For example if the file path was C:\Users\Oliver\Desktop\example.bat then the argument would equal C:\Users\Oliver\Desktop\, also you can use the command set cpath=%~dp0 && set cpath=%cpath:~0,-1% and use the %cpath% variable to remove the trailing slash.

%~dp0 - return the path from where script executed

But, important to know also below one:

%CD% - return the current path in runtime, for example if you get into other folders using "cd folder1", and then "cd folder2", it will return the full path until folder2 and not the original path where script located