Opening multiple finder directories simultaneously [duplicate]

Solution 1:

Update: As shown in File Menu and being consistent with the rest of the macOS shortcuts, command+T will open a new tab. Tabbed Finder was introduced in OS X Mavericks in 2013.

With the native Finder app that comes with OS X is not possible to have tabs.
If you really need them you can use some Finder replacement app, like TotalFinder or PathFinder (both not free).

Solution 2:

TotalFinder "brings tabs to your native Finder". It's commercial software, however. There are some other Finder replacements as well.

Solution 3:

Mavericks (MacOS X 10.9) brings us native tabs in the Finder (finally).

Solution 4:

A free alternative for OS X 10.6.8 to 10.8.2 is also XtraFinder, which supports Tabs as well.