How do I delete email files on my mac so that it retrieves them again?

The email on my mac is not working. I have tried several things.

Is there a way to delete the email files (files where mac stores the emails) on my mac book pro so that it downloads all my mail again. (I will leave it to download overnight).

You may need to rebuild a mailbox to update the list of messages it contains. For example, if messages appear to be missing or garbled, or if you can’t find all relevant messages when you search using the Entire Message search option.

In the Mail app on your Mac, select a mailbox in the sidebar.

Choose Mailbox > Rebuild.

When you rebuild mailboxes for IMAP or Exchange accounts, messages and attachments stored on your computer are discarded, and then downloaded again from the mail server to your Mac. Your mailbox appears empty until the download is complete.