Lydia hit with Wabbajack stick and disappeared!

Solution 1:

The Wabbajack has a long list of effects:

  • Fireball

  • Thunderbolt

  • Frost Rune

  • Heal Other

  • Disintegration

  • Transformation

    • Summon effects: mudcrab, daedra, rabbit, chicken, chicken that explodes after 20 seconds and transforms back.
    • Effect canceled on hit: chicken, rabbit, dremora lord, or a random draugr. Examples: draugr, goat, spectral, mudcrab
    • Effects that eliminates target: sweetroll, fountain of septims or random books spawn.
    • Leveled Dremora (common).
    • May spawn a rabbit behind target, which target will see as an enemy. Upon said rabbit de-spawning, the target will teleport to where the rabbit last was.
  • Invisibility

  • Summon enemy dremora to attack them.

  • Ice Spike

  • Instant kill (ghostly remains; ghostly remains with sweetroll; normal remains; no body)

  • Fury

  • Fear

  • Drain stamina

  • Paralyze

  • Absorb health

  • Target explodes, turns into ghostly remains and scattered gold and pitchforks. Taking the gold counts as stealing

  • No effect

  • Replace enemies with random amounts of cheese.

  • Unspecified damage (no hit shader/FX)

  • Causes an explosion, which is a unique destruction spell. This only damages the target, unlike other exploding spells.

As you can see one option is death without corpse.

If you play on PC there is a way to test/fix this.

open your console commands and move the chracter to you. so type

Prid <refID>

With the redId of lydia being: "000A2C94" and follow that with

moveto player

If nothing happens she is probably dead, then u need to do the Prid command again followed by

resurrect 1.

If that doesn't work you can also

player.placeatme <BaseID> <#>

with Lydia's baseid being : "000A2C8E" and # being replaced by a 1