Are there any unlock spells in Skyrim?

Solution 1:

As Mr. Smooth stated, there are no spells available to unlock chests or doors.

The Tower Stone effect does allow you to unlock one Expert level (or lower) lock per day.

Solution 2:

There's no spell that I know of, but you should know that if you have a follower, they can pick any lock on a chest, regardless of difficulty. Just talk to them and tell them you need them to do something, and then direct them to unlock the chest. Here's a reference.

Solution 3:

There is no spell in Skyrim that will unlock doors or chests for you (sadly).

I'm afraid if you want to unlock things then you're going to have to level your lockpicking (or have a lot of lockpicks).

Solution 4:

Midas Magic mod adds these spells.

Solution 5:

The mod, Ancient Spells - Morrowind and Oblivion Spells, adds an "Open Easy/Average/Hard/Very Hard locks on target" spell under Alteration. Upon installation, you can buy these spells (given you have the skill required for them) from the usual merchants that sell spells.

The majority of the spells are on leveled spells merchants (this means that if a illusion spell needs a perk point on for example Master Illusion you will not see it untill you have that perk like the other spells on the game), beginner spells can be found regardless on Riverwood and Whiterun.