How do I get the "Zergling Rush" achievement in StarCraft 2?
I'm trying to get a lot of the achievements, but some of them seem quite difficult.
Specifically, "Zergling Rush" the 20 zerglings in 255 seconds achievement
Here's what I finally got to work:
- 8 Pool
- 7 Overlord
- As soon as pool completes:
- Queen
- Zerglings x 3
- As soon as queen spawns, spawn larvae on the hatchery
- When money isn't a problem anymore, kill a drone for the extra 1 supply for 2 zerglings
- Keep building zerglings until the achievement pops up.
In retrospect, I probably shouldn't have built that 8th drone. He probably just barely pulled his weight before the time limit, and I would have rather started the spawning pool that much sooner, which would make it 7 Pool, 6 Overlord
With a 6 pool build order you should hit 20 Zerglings at 4:05. Put your first 6 on minerals, morph pool asap. Leave the remaining 5. Morph overlord at 100 minerals. Spam Zerglings as your larva comes up.
This works perfectly - tested and completed.
You start with 6, wait for 200 minerals, grab a spawning pool, save up for Overlord. Grab a overlord (total 2 now for 18 food), you have 5 drones remaining.
Keep spawning Zerglings, right after Overlord. You will make it in time just nicely.