Related CLI and GUI applications with same name?

I'm preparing to release an open source Swift package with two companion MacOS applications: CLI and GUI. I'm expecting the GUI application to be available via the MacOS App Store. I'd also like to get the CLI application notarized.

I'd like the naming to be like this for the applications:

CLI: applicationname

Is having the same name, other than capitalization and the .app file extension, going to cause trouble with how users access the tools? Will there be some sort of path resolution conflict given the case-insensitive magic Apple does with the filesystem?

Clarification: has executable ApplicationName inside its package-contents -> Contents -> MacOS directory. But that’s all related to the GUI version. I will also release a separate CLI version, not included in the app bundle, called applicationname.

Solution 1:

Nothing of Concern

As long as the application's binary and the command line binary are not stored in the same folder, there are no problems with your naming scheme.

We ship command line tools within the application bundle's folder. This has worked well for our customers and is acceptable within Apple's Mac App Store.

Command line tools and the PATH

Your customers, or the installer, may want to place the applicationname CLI binary within the PATH, so it can be trivially used from the command line.

By default, the application bundles within the /Applications folder are not in the PATH.

Solution 2:

Not sure how to understand how there could be a conflict in such cases:

  • is a directory (usually within /Applications) which contains all the files relevant for the application to run (including any resources, translated texts etc)
  • foo is a binary installed within which can be called from a shell by specificing the path, symlinking it from /usr/local/bin, or using any other way available in shells

So this are differently named things of different types, there shouldn’t be a conflict as far as macOS is concerned. We can‘t know what the App Store Review will make of it.