What is the word for when you say something like "I'm dying" but don't mean it? [duplicate]


  1. (used with a sing. or pl. verb) Exaggerated emotional behavior calculated for effect. (American Heritage, found at thefreedictionary.com)

(I couldn't find my own interpretation of this word in any of the dictionaries I checked, but I think that your typical natural-born drama queen or prince doesn't always do it for effect. Some people do it for more internal reasons.)


I'm glad to be home. I'm exhausted from one of my students and his histrionics. I know perfectly well his jabbering about wanting to kill himself isn't true suicidal ideation, but I couldn't very well ignore it, could I?

Hyperbole - exaggerated statements or claims not meant to be taken literally

I was looking for a word to reflect a comment to a new Snow Patrol album. "The album is that bad I would send it to anyone for free".
I know its not life or death but the album is the pits. You should hear it!