Looking for a term to describe looking back to a certain point in time

I work on designing an application which will enable the user to post "Stories" (diary entries) for parents for their kids. The application has a feature which lets the parent post a story that dates back in time, like if you now in November post the photos from your summer trip to Paris and want to date that entry to July when the trip actually was. later looking at the diary entries for a child you can then "follow" the added time stamp link for those types of stories to see the entry in the context of other entries in that region of time.

I'm wondering if I can find a good recognizable and catchy term to describe this feature (chronological stamp of a post). Initially I've called it "Time jumps", so that an entry can be "Time jumped" and a user can "Time jump" to see entries in the same chronological context.

However a senior designer was not sure about "Time jump" being a good term. So therefore I want to see with you fine people here if you can think of any term that could be a good candidate for describing the semantics of such a feature.

I post this here since I feel it has more to do with terminology and use of the English language rather than user experience which is why I've chosen not to post this on UX.SE.

A theoretically matching term would be retrospection, although I am not sure it is good to use in that context as it is very abstract and not what a child would call the "time jump".

Catchy you say?

A brazen suggestion, if you would allow:

If I were a client, what would really sell it for me, especially at a younger age, would be to be able to go on a chrono-trip/tour through your app.

Vintage (“The year or place in which something is produced”) is a possibility.

Combining words with mark, marker, or stamp will lend specificity, as in eg datestamp or timestamp (“The date and time at which an event occurred, often included in a log to track the sequence of events”), vintage mark, vintage marker, whenmark.