Which 3 daemons to upload on humanoid targets in Cyberpunk 2077?

Solution 1:

There are two legendary quickhacks which have a passive effect that grants you additional daemons to upload on humanoid targets:

enter image description here

enter image description here

Solution 2:

Despite the fact that this is not readily apparent, many* enemies are, in fact, on the same network as the various Cameras and Turrets they're milling about.

You can confirm they are via the "Ping" quickhack -- if you "Ping" a Camera (or Microwave, or whatever else is handy)

In such a case, you can upload the "Disable Cameras" or "Disable Turrets" Daemon to a humanoid target and still trigger "upload 3 daemons" effects (it's how I got the Christmas Tree Attack achievement!).

The trouble with this, however, is that sometimes the cameras or turrets are on an isolated network (again, confirm via "Ping"). In this case, your only options are to make use of the extra Daemons granted from Legendary quickhacks (as per Viktor's answer), as Daemons with no effect (such as "Shut Down Cameras" on humanoids) do not show up on the Breach screen at all.