Can You Kill The Landowner?

I recently purchased Sir You Are Being Hunter and have actually being doing quite well for a sir who lives his life drinking tea and making robots that hunt himself. After saving my game I noticed the landowner over in the woods next to me so I thought, "I must say that landowner needs to be taken care of immediately!" So I rushed over, loaded my gun and shot him a few times. I got direct hits two times and then the robots started coming. I thought that maybe he must have a lot more health so I shot a few more times but still nothing! I then met an unfortunate demise with bullets riddled through my body but that made me wonder, "Can you kill the landowner?"

Solution 1:

Judging from all evidence, it would seem that the Landowner cannot be killed. This is because of a choice by the developers no doubt, and may serve to help you to realize how fragile and delicate your survival is in Sir, You Are Being Hunted.

A video of someone attempting to kill the Landowner: Attempted Landowner Kill

He was not successful, and used '38 Rifle Shells, 28 Shotgun Shells and 1 Dynamite' or something to that effect.

It is, however, possible that there is a way to kill him that relates to the plot. I have not played the game, so I could not answer from personal experience.