A phrase/idiom to describe indulgence in previously no-no stuffs after change of belief [closed]

Solution 1:

make up for lost time

to do something as much as possible because you were not able to do it before:

After seven years in prison, he’s home with his kids and making up for lost time.

that was cambridge or from dictionary.com

make up for lost time verb phrase

To work, play, travel, etc, very fast to compensate for a slow start

This phrase is frequently used in a slightly ironic way for the purposes you suggest ... In fact it feels like it usually means what you suggest.

Solution 2:

In a way, they are overcompensating.


overcompensation noun
: excessive compensation; specifically : excessive reaction to a feeling of inferiority, guilt, or inadequacy leading to an exaggerated attempt to overcome the feeling

  • overcompensate verb