Is there any numpy group by function?

Is there any function in numpy to group this array down below by the first column?

I couldn't find any good answer over the internet..

>>> a
array([[  1, 275],
       [  1, 441],
       [  1, 494],
       [  1, 593],
       [  2, 679],
       [  2, 533],
       [  2, 686],
       [  3, 559],
       [  3, 219],
       [  3, 455],
       [  4, 605],
       [  4, 468],
       [  4, 692],
       [  4, 613]])

Wanted output:

array([[[275, 441, 494, 593]],
       [[679, 533, 686]],
       [[559, 219, 455]],
       [[605, 468, 692, 613]]], dtype=object)

Solution 1:

Inspired by Eelco Hoogendoorn's library, but without his library, and using the fact that the first column of your array is always increasing (if not, sort first with a = a[a[:, 0].argsort()])

>>> np.split(a[:,1], np.unique(a[:, 0], return_index=True)[1][1:])
[array([275, 441, 494, 593]),
 array([679, 533, 686]),
 array([559, 219, 455]),
 array([605, 468, 692, 613])]

I didn't "timeit" ([EDIT] see below) but this is probably the faster way to achieve the question :

  • No python native loop
  • Result lists are numpy arrays, in case you need to make other numpy operations on them, no new conversion will be needed
  • Complexity looks O(n) (with sort it goes O(n log(n))

[EDIT sept 2021] I ran timeit on my Macbook M1, for a table of 10k random integers. The duration is for 1000 calls.

>>> a = np.random.randint(5, size=(10000, 2))  # 5 different "groups"

# Only the sort
>>> a = a[a[:, 0].argsort()]
⏱ 116.9 ms

# Group by on the already sorted table
>>> np.split(a[:, 1], np.unique(a[:, 0], return_index=True)[1][1:])
⏱ 35.5 ms

# Total sort + groupby
>>> a = a[a[:, 0].argsort()]
>>> np.split(a[:, 1], np.unique(a[:, 0], return_index=True)[1][1:])
⏱ 153.0 ms 👑

# With numpy-indexed package (cf Eelco answer)
>>> npi.group_by(a[:, 0]).split(a[:, 1])
⏱ 353.3 ms

# With pandas (cf Piotr answer)
>>> df = pd.DataFrame(a, columns=["key", "val"]) # no timer for this line
>>> df.groupby("key").val.apply(pd.Series.tolist) 
⏱ 362.3 ms

# With defaultdict, the python native way (cf Piotr answer)
>>> d = defaultdict(list)
for key, val in a:
⏱ 3543.2 ms

# With numpy_groupies (cf Michael answer)
>>> aggregate(a[:,0], a[:,1], "array", fill_value=[])
⏱ 376.4 ms

Second timeit scenario, with 500 different groups instead of 5. I'm surprised about pandas, I ran several times, but it just behave badly in this scenario.

>>> a = np.random.randint(500, size=(10000, 2))

just the sort  141.1 ms
already_sorted 392.0 ms
sort+groupby   542.4 ms
pandas        2695.8 ms
numpy-indexed  800.6 ms
defaultdict   3707.3 ms
numpy_groupies 836.7 ms

[EDIT] I improved the answer thanks to ns63sr's answer and Behzad Shayegh (cf comment) Thanks also TMBailey for noticing complexity of argsort is n log(n).

Solution 2:

The numpy_indexed package (disclaimer: I am its author) aims to fill this gap in numpy. All operations in numpy-indexed are fully vectorized, and no O(n^2) algorithms were harmed during the making of this library.

import numpy_indexed as npi
npi.group_by(a[:, 0]).split(a[:, 1])

Note that it is usually more efficient to directly compute relevant properties over such groups (ie, group_by(keys).mean(values)), rather than first splitting into a list / jagged array.