Progression in Wow that avoids spiders [duplicate]

Solution 1:

Nearly impossible seeing Hunters can tame Spiders and use them as pets. So chances are high you will run in to them in major cities.

Also nearly all forest have spiders, then you got ice spiders in Northrend, lava spiders in the areas around Blackrock mountain...

  • Undead areas got graphic imagery concerning spiders (stay out of Hillsbrad foothills even without Arachnophobia that place is a nightmare fuel involving spiders).

  • Avoid any area with Forrest/Woods in it (So Night Elf and Human areas are no go's)

  • Avoid Northrend and the Plaugelands (unless you are ok with zombie spiders).

  • Also avoid Silithus and anything that sounds Egyptian (the Egyptian cultures in wow are mostly Spider based (Qiraj/Nerubians)

Below i added a map, all the red area's have spiders...this is not including other worlds you will need to travel to and most dungeons that might have em. So i guess going Tauren would be the safest option (perhaps trolls/orcs) enter image description here