How do I remove the Unity launcher?
How can we remove the launcher that come with Unity on this new Ubuntu version ?
In 12.04, you can go to System Settings > Appearance > Behavior and turn on autohide, then turn the sensitivity all the way down. Now the launcher will only show when you press Super.
Install ccsm (Compiz Config Settings Manager)
Launch ccsm and click on the "Unity Plugin"
Under "Behavior", change "Hide Launcher" to "autohide"
Change "Reveal Mode" to None.
Disable "Key to show launcher" and "Key to put focus on launcher"
*Disabling "Key to show launcher" may prevent you from accessing the dash. If you omit this part of step 5, you can access the dash, but the launcher will appear non-invasively while the dash is displayed. I don't know of any way to stop this.
Update: 12.04 does things differently, thus this may not work after 11.10.