How do I install Adobe Acrobat Reader deb package downloaded from Adobe website?

All Ubuntu versions prior to 13.10

To install Adobe Acrobat you will need to enable the canonical partners repository in the Software Sources tab of Update Manager

enter image description here

Use Dash and search for Software Sources or Software & Updates in 13.04 and later.

If you don't see those options in Software Sources, you can use the following command from a terminal:

sudo add-apt-repository "deb $(lsb_release -sc) partner"

Then in a terminal you can update and install acrobat reader:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install acroread

It is strongly recommended from a security point-of-view to use the version in the repositories.

If - for whatever reason - you wish to download directly from Adobe and install then the following instructions apply:

Using firefox navigate to:


Choose the following options as shown in the image - i.e. download the .deb package

enter image description here

When the Download button is clicked:

enter image description here

Leave it at the default to open in Software Center where you can install it.

If you have set your downloads to automatically save in your Downloads folder:

cd ~/Downloads
sudo dpkg -i AdbeRdr*.deb

REVISED: 2016-Nov (minor wording only)

For Ubuntu 14.04 LTS, 16.04 LTS and 16.10, 32- or 64-bit

[ adapted from: ]

Adobe Reader 9 is not in the 'Partner' repository for 13.10 (or later).

  1. Download Adobe Reader (32-bit), from Adobe site:

    From here: .. reader .. 9.5.5

    Check MD5SUM after downloading, input

    md5sum AdbeRdr9.5.5-1_i386linux_enu.deb

    the output should be

    88036c68998d565c4365e2ad89b04d51 AdbeRdr9.5.5-1_i386linux_enu.deb
  2. Open a command line, change to the directory containing the .deb file.

  3. Install package, forcing to accept 32-bit version and any errors:

    sudo dpkg -i --force-architecture AdbeRdr9.5.5-1_i386linux_enu.deb
    sudo apt-get -f install
  4. Add the missing 32-bit libraries: (skip this step for 32-bit)

    sudo apt-get install libxml2:i386 lib32stdc++6
  5. (Optional) Run for first time, to get icon in Unity menu bar.

    acroread <path>/<MyDocument>.pdf

For Ubuntu 12.04 LTS

  1. Add 'Canonical Partner' repository

    sudo add-apt-repository "deb $(lsb_release -sc) partner"
  2. Update your system

    sudo apt-get update
  3. Install Adobe Reader, and font extensions

    sudo apt-get -y install acroread acroread-fonts
  4. (Optional) Run for first time, to get icon in Unity menu bar.

    acroread <path>/<MyDocument>.pdf

For saucy (13.10), you can include the raring partner repository. This is how I did it:

sudo echo -e '# for acroread\ndeb raring partner' > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/raring-partner.list
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install acroread

apt-cache show acroread
# Package: acroread
# Architecture: amd64
# Version: 9.5.5-1raring1
# Depends: debconf (>= 0.5) | debconf-2.0, acroread-bin, nspluginwrapper
# [...]

apt-cache policy acroread
# acroread:
#   Installiert:           9.5.5-1raring1
#   Installationskandidat: 9.5.5-1raring1
#   Versionstabelle:
#  *** 9.5.5-1raring1 0
#         500 raring/partner amd64 Packages
#         100 /var/lib/dpkg/status