Dynamically importing Python module

I have a trusted remote server that stores many custom Python modules. I can fetch them via HTTP (e.g. using urllib2.urlopen) as text/plain, but I cannot save the fetched module code to the local hard disk. How can I import the code as a fully operable Python module, including its global variables and imports?
I suppose I have to use some combination of exec and imp module's functions, but I've been unable to make it work yet.

Solution 1:

It looks like this should do the trick: importing a dynamically generated module

>>> import imp
>>> foo = imp.new_module("foo")
>>> foo_code = """
... class Foo:
...     pass
... """
>>> exec foo_code in foo.__dict__
>>> foo.Foo.__module__

Also, as suggested in the ActiveState article, you might want to add your new module to sys.modules:

>>> import sys
>>> sys.modules["foo"] = foo
>>> from foo import Foo
<class 'Foo' …>

Solution 2:

Here's something I bookmarked a while back that covers something similar:

  • Customizing the Python Import System

It's a bit beyond what you want, but the basic idea is there.