How to merge data from object A into object B in Python?

I'm trying to figure out if there's a procedural way to merge data from object A to object B without manually setting it up.

For example, I have the following pydantic model which represents results of an API call to The Movie Database:

class PersonScraperReply(BaseModel):
    """Represents a Person Scraper Reply"""

    scraper_name: str
    """Name of the scraper used to scrape this data"""

    local_person_id: int
    """Id of person in local database"""

    local_person_name: str
    """name of person in local database"""

    aliases: Optional[list[str]] = None
    """list of strings that represent the person's aliases obtained from scraper"""

    description: Optional[str] = None
    """String description of the person obtained from scraper"""

    date_of_birth: Optional[date] = None
    """Date of birth of the person obtained from scraper"""

    date_of_death: Optional[date] = None
    """Date the person passed away obtained from scraper"""

    gender: Optional[GenderEnum] = None
    """Gender of the person obtained from scraper"""

    homepage: Optional[str] = None
    """Person's official homepage obtained from scraper"""

    place_of_birth: Optional[str] = None
    """Location where the person wsa born obtained from scraper"""

    profile_image_url: Optional[str] = None
    """Url for person's profile image obtained from scraper"""

    additional_images: Optional[list[str]] = None
    """List of urls for additional images for the person obtained from scraper"""

    scrape_status: ScrapeStatus
    """status of scraping. Success or failure"""

I also have this SQLAlchemy class that represents a person in my database:

class PersonInDatabase(Base):

    id: int
    """Person Id"""

    name: str
    """Person Name"""
    description: str = Column(String)
    """Description of the person"""

    gender: GenderEnum = Column(Enum(GenderEnum), nullable=False, default=GenderEnum.unspecified)
    """Person's gender, 0=unspecified, 1=male, 2=female, 3=non-binary"""

    tmdb_id: int = Column(Integer)
    """Tmdb id"""

    imdb_id: str = Column(String)
    """IMDB id, in the format of nn[alphanumeric id]"""

    place_of_birth: str = Column(String)
    """Place of person's birth"""

    # dates
    date_of_birth: DateTime = Column(DateTime)
    """Date the person was born"""

    date_of_death: DateTime = Column(DateTime)
    """Date the person passed away"""

    date_last_person_scrape: DateTime = Column(DateTime)
    """Date last time the person was scraped"""

My goal is to merge the data I received from the API call to the database object. When I say merge I mean assign fields that exist in both objects and do nothing with the rest. Something along the lines of:

person_scrape_reply = PersonScraperReply()
person_in_db = PersonInDatabase()

for field_in_API_name, field_in_API_value in person_scrape_reply.fields: #for field in API response
    if field_in_API_name in person_in_db.field_names and field_in_API_value is not None: #if field exists in PersonInDatabase and the value is not none
        person_in_db.fields[field_in_API_name] = field_in_API_value #assign API response value to field in database class.

Is something like this possible?

use the attrs package.

from attrs import define, asdict

class PersonScraperReply(BaseModel):
    """Represents a Person Scraper Reply"""

    scraper_name: str
    """Name of the scraper used to scrape this data"""

    local_person_id: int
    """Id of person in local database"""

    local_person_name: str
    """name of person in local database"""

    aliases: Optional[list[str]] = None
    """list of strings that represent the person's aliases obtained from scraper"""

    description: Optional[str] = None
    """String description of the person obtained from scraper"""

    date_of_birth: Optional[date] = None
    """Date of birth of the person obtained from scraper"""

    date_of_death: Optional[date] = None
    """Date the person passed away obtained from scraper"""

    gender: Optional[GenderEnum] = None
    """Gender of the person obtained from scraper"""

    homepage: Optional[str] = None
    """Person's official homepage obtained from scraper"""

    place_of_birth: Optional[str] = None
    """Location where the person wsa born obtained from scraper"""

    profile_image_url: Optional[str] = None
    """Url for person's profile image obtained from scraper"""

    additional_images: Optional[list[str]] = None
    """List of urls for additional images for the person obtained from scraper"""

    scrape_status: ScrapeStatus
    """status of scraping. Success or failure"""

class PersonInDatabase(Base):

    id: int
    """Person Id"""

    name: str
    """Person Name"""
    description: str = Column(String)
    """Description of the person"""

    gender: GenderEnum = Column(Enum(GenderEnum), nullable=False, default=GenderEnum.unspecified)
    """Person's gender, 0=unspecified, 1=male, 2=female, 3=non-binary"""

    tmdb_id: int = Column(Integer)
    """Tmdb id"""

    imdb_id: str = Column(String)
    """IMDB id, in the format of nn[alphanumeric id]"""

    place_of_birth: str = Column(String)
    """Place of person's birth"""

    # dates
    date_of_birth: DateTime = Column(DateTime)
    """Date the person was born"""

    date_of_death: DateTime = Column(DateTime)
    """Date the person passed away"""

    date_last_person_scrape: DateTime = Column(DateTime)
    """Date last time the person was scraped"""

person_scrape_reply = PersonScraperReply()
person_in_db = PersonInDatabase()
scrape_asdict = asdict(person_scrape_reply)
db_asdict = asdict(person_in_db)

for field_in_API_name, field_in_API_value in scrape_asdict.items(): #for field in API response
    if field_in_API_name in db_asdict.keys() and field_in_API_value is not None: #if field exists in PersonInDatabase and the value is not none
        setattr(person_in_db, field_in_API_name, field_in_API_value) #assign API response value to field in database class.