ERROR: Google Maps API error: MissingKeyMapError

Solution 1:

Yes. Now Google wants an API key to authenticate users to access their APIs`.

You can get the API key from the following link. Go through the link and you need to enter a project and so on. But it is easy. Hassle free.

Once you get the API key change the previous

<script src=""></script>


<script src=""></script>

Now your google map is in action. In case if you are wondering to get the longitude and latitude to input to Maps. Just pin the location you want and check the URL of the browser. You can see longitude and latitude values there. Just copy those values and paste it as follows.

new google.maps.LatLng(longitude ,latitude )

Solution 2:

As per Google recent announcement, usage of the Google Maps APIs now requires a key. If you are using the Google Maps API on localhost or your domain was not active prior to June 22nd, 2016, it will require a key going forward. Please see the Google Maps APIs documentation to get a key and add it to your application.

Solution 3:

All Google Maps JavaScript API applications require authentication( API KEY )

  1. Go to
  2. Login with Google Account
  3. Click on Get a key button 3 Select or create a project
  4. Click on Enable API ( Google Maps API)
  5. Copy YOUR API KEY in your Project: <script src=" YOUR API KEY)"></script>

Solution 4:

Update django-geoposition at least to version 0.2.3 and add this to