How to @link to a Enum Value using Javadoc

The # style works for me:

{@link Planet#EARTH}

The key is that the Planet package must be imported, or Planet must be fully qualified - i.e.:

{@link com.yourpackage.Planet#EARTH}

I'm using Eclipse to check this, but

{@link Planet#EARTH}

style seems to work. However, I normally prefer

@see Planet#EARTH

anyway. Not sure what Eclipse uses to generate Javadoc, but I'm using JDK6. Still, maybe @see does the trick for you.

As long as it's imported you can link it (but when you do this, IMO it makes the imports messy- what ones are used in code and what ones in javadoc? I like to just use the fully qualified name).

But yes, Eclipse can take care of it all and standard

{@link Planet#EARTH}

works fine.

If your using Eclipse, Ctrl + Shift + O (on PC) or Cmd + Shift + O (on Mac) auto-adjust your imports (this means if you have extra imports not being used, they're removed, as well as adding any imports you need).