Mouse settings don't retain in Logitech options

I have an Logitech MX Master mouse that comes with a program to adjust it's settings called Logitech Options. I use this to adjust the issue many people have a mac: you wanna scroll with trackpad the 'natural' way, but with the mouse wheel you want the reverse. In Logitech Options you can configure these two separately:

Logitech Options menu

However after every times the MacBook sleeps for a while the settings don't apply any more. They are still set correctly, but I have to change them and set them back every to for the settings to apply again.

This is an issue on my current MacBook Pro (2019 model), not on my previous one (mid 2015). I run MacOS Catalina (10.15.2)

How can I fix this?

Open Activity Monitor and stop Logi Options Daemon. This will restart it.

For me it happened a single time and I just put the macbook to sleep and wake it up again. The options setting come back!

[Update] Today it happens again and the sleep-and-wake-up doesn't work this time. I switched off the mouse and switched on again, and the options are back!

[Final Update] The ultimate solution to this is switch off your laptop once every week. It is a headache and it is not a headache...

Open a new terminal and write:

kill $(ps aux | grep | awk 'FNR == 1 {print $2}')

This command search the PID of the Logi Options Daemon and kill it's execution, next automatically the daemon will restart and restore the normal behavior.

This is a bit embarrassing but downloading the newest version of Logitech Options solved the problem (...for a month, but again the app is not stable.)

I have Catalina and M720 Triathlon mouse and exact the same problem. The newest Logi Options won't help. What I noticed though is that I don't need "to change them and set them back every to for the settings to apply again." Just restarting the Logi Options app fixes it. BTW the settings are kept even if you close this app. So selecting "Open at Login" in the Logi Options dock icon's options also assures it works after the reboot.

Now, I tried to reproduce the issue by putting Macbook to sleep and checking whether the settings were kept or not after the wake - and they were - even with Logi Options closed.

If it happens again seems the only option will be a script opening the Logi Options after each wake.