How to clean a keyboard

Solution 1:

apparently you can put it in the dishwasher.

Please note: I wouldn't do this with an expensive one but if all else fails...


Solution 2:

I did this to my (admittedly shocking) keyboard recently. What I did was:

  1. Have a cloth and dustbuster ready, it could be scary (depending if you eat at your PC, length of time since last clean, pets etc.)
  2. Take a photo of the keyboard layout if you have a complex keyboard (mine was a G15 so there's lots of special keys).
  3. Using a screwdriver carefully pry the keys up. I recommend starting at the spacebar, as you can see how the keys are attached (usually a plastic clip and metal bar). It's easy to break the plastic clip (I did twice) but it hasn't really affected my keyboard.
  4. Clean it out!
  5. Put the keys back into their positions.

Solution 3:

Pressurized air for your situation. You can buy this at nearly any large retailer in your area.

If you spill coke into it (like I did last week), it's going to be much more difficult. I ended up tossing the entire thing. That's one of the reasons I prefer to work on $10-$20 keyboards.

Solution 4:

maybe its time for a fresh new keyboard....would increase your productivity by giving you a whole new reason to use your computer - gotta break in the new toy!!

Solution 5:

  1. dust-buster, compressed air, or brush - for debris
  2. alcohol wipes - to get all the grime and bacteria off

Where your fingers are constantly hitting is probably the dirtiest part of the keyboard.