I need to put can place on tags on a custom spawn egg in 1.16.4
I like to design minigames in vanilla on a Realm, and I use a command generator pretty frequently ( https://www.gamergeeks.nz/apps/minecraft/give-command-generator ). I have most of the command I need already, but if someone could send tell me where the adventure mode tag (can place on TNT) goes that would be great.
/give @p skeleton_spawn_egg{EntityTag:
} 1
Solution 1:
It goes in the root tag, outside EntityTag
{ EntityTag: { HandItems: [ { id: "minecraft:bow", tag: { Enchantments: [ { id: "minecraft:flame", lvl: 1s } ] }, Count: 1b } ], ArmorItems: [ {}, {}, {}, { id: "minecraft:tnt", Count:1b } ], ArmorDropChances: [ 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f ], HandDropChances: [ 0.0f, 0.0f ] }, CanPlaceOn:[ "minecraft:dirt" ] }