Why are my iMessages showing as coming from my email address when I've set my Caller ID to my phone number?

Go to settings on the iPhone. Go to the 'Messages' settings. And select Receive At.

See what it says there. It should be your phone number not Apple ID or email.

If you have a Apple email listed. You can remove it by.

Clicking the 'Apple ID [email protected]' You will get a popup which lets sign out thus removing the mac email address. enter image description here

Try to see if your phone number shows up on top in the "Receive At" setting. If it doesn't, there are some reported cases where people have solved the problem by turning off iMessage, resetting Network Settings and then turn iMessage back on. I've had some difficulties in verifying my number one time I swapped the SIM card for another one and then back to the original SIM, and I managed to get it active again by doing this reset. Please note that you'll lose all the memorized Wi-Fi networks and their passwords by doing this.

Meanwhile you should also disable "Send As SMS". In case an iMessage doesn't get delivered, the only difference is that it will ask if you want to send it as a SMS.

I wouldn't worry to delete your previous message threads. Your iPhone will handle that. They will surely appear as a different thread on your friends' iOS device, because they come from a different sender.

Please let me know if this solves your problem.

Type in the person's entire phone number and do not select their name from the drop down list when it pops up. This will fix it. I would also delete the old thread as to prevent yourself from using it on accident again.

Just had this problem. Turned iMessages off and on again. It happened after I put a different SIM-card in my phone. Works fine now. :)