How do you make daylight sensors turn to night mode and if it day turn to day time mode without touching the daylight sensors

I've tried looking up the answers on google and nothings given me what Im trying to do. Im trying to make my daylight sensor turn to night mode if it's night and turn to day mode if it's the day. Im trying to make an automatic light detector so it turns on my lights if it's night and turns on my lights if it's the day so I don't have to be in the dark and so I don't have to do it by hand.

enter image description here

There is no way to change the state of a daylight sensor without right clicking on it or using command blocks.

If you want to keep the light always on you could use a redstone block or redstone torch, or you could use two daylight sensors with an OR gate if you want to turn off the lamp during the morning and evening.