When is it safe to shoot on 7 with 2 imposters?

Solution 1:

The problem with throwing someone out of the airlock on 7 is that since there are only 6 people left, if you miss and there is still 2 impostors they only have to both kill once and they win. (it falls on a 2-2 tie, which gives the win to the impostors). Their kill countdown will probably come up before you can call a meeting and throw one out, and at that point its rare you will be in a position to finish tasks in time. So if the impostors get that they can win on a double, they will just wait their countdown, kill the first person in their way and they win.

So thats why its said that its a bad idea to throw someone out on 7. Same thing applies on eliminating someone on 4 when there is 1 impostor. (Or I guess throwing someone out on 10 if there are 3 impostors, but never saw a 3 impostor lobby.)

But its not a complete no no. If you have an impostor dead to rights, then shoot on 7 all day. But if you have no idea, if you are on 7 its not a right time to just eliminate on a guess.

With all that being said: if you throw out on a 7 and do miss, split up in two groups of 3. Then if both traitors are in the same group, they can only kill one player and if they are in different groups, there is a player to report quickly if a kill happens.

TLDR: If you know for sure that you have 2 traitors remaining, it is a bad idea to vote out on 7. Except if you got a traitor for sure. The don't vote on 7 rule is just because its riskier than the usual vote out.

Solution 2:

You should only ever shoot on 7 when more than 2 people know (100% Proof. (eg. Saw them vent, saw them go with a person who then died, saw them kill but didn't have a chance to report the body)) one of the Impostors

Solution 3:

It is sometimes safe to kill on 7.

Risks That You Take
There are non-specific risks that you are taking when you kill on 7:
  • Lazy Sussers.
    There are lazy crewmates who sus anyone possible, like when you and your imposter teammate get a double kill, they can random sus, and your chances are high.
  • Immune Players.
    The shorter the kills get, the higher the immune players be, unless you kill them. They can sus you for not doing "Medbay Scan", "Empty Garbage", or "Shields".
  • Lying Disadvantages.
    If you vote out someone before 7 and lied, the crewmates can sus you.

    Advantages You Can Use
    Even if it isn't good to vote on 7, there are a few advantages you can use to kill on 7:
  • Body Hiding.
    You can kill players in specific "Hide and Seek" places, leaving more time for your cooldown to reset and getting the win. (Risk)
  • Unique Sussing.
    You can sus players in a unique way like: "He says we shouldn't vote on 7! He is sus and not talking anymore!" "He went into elec after voting! Only an imp would do that!"
  • Reporting Bodies Immediately. If you kill someone and report their body immediately, you might gain 20% of your crewmates' trust and say that someone is sus and that you reported a body to take a risk of voting an imposter out.

Demo Stories

To prove that this information tips is correct, let's play 2 demo games, one negative from the disadvantages and one from the benefits.

Story 1: There are 5 crewmates left, there are 2 imposters. A imposter kills in electrical. The body is reported.

You are Yellow, and you are an imposter.

Red: Yellow is sus let's vote him and Orange out.

Purple: Hold on, Red! Your sussing without any proof. So, let's see, Yellow lied about Lime killing Cyan, and we all did visual tasks. It has to be them and Orange left.

You and Orange get ejected into space.

Story 2: 5 Crewmates left, 2 imposters.
You kill in Upper Engine in the top left corner.
Your teammate kills in Admin and immediately reports the body.

You: It's Red. He isn't talking, he hasn't done a visual task, and he is nowhere to be found!

Purple: Okay, let's eject Red.

You and Orange win.

I hope this convinced you that you should sometimes kill on 7, and sometimes not.