In IntelliJ, how do i debug a maven test goal?

  • When surefire plugin version < 2.14: use -DforkMode=never
  • When surefire plugin version >= 2.14: use -DforkCount=0

In IDEA, open your run/debug configuration, in Runner tab, add fork options -DforkCount=0

enter image description here

I execute tests with the following options:

mvn -Dmaven.surefire.debug="-Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=y,address=6666 -Xnoagent -Djava.compiler=NONE" test

... and then connect to Maven with remote debugger.

What about a right click on your goal and "Debug [your goal]" (in your case the test goal)?

debug goal

-DforkMode=never doesn't work anymore, it is now deprecated in SureFire.

Use -DforkCount=0 instead when using surefire plugin 2.14+.

The question has been answered. But just to share my own experience. The selected answer did not solve my problem. My code has multiple modules.

foolshat's reply did bring valuable insight to my problem.

I have two solutions, 1. Using your IDEA, by adding a VM option -DforkMode=never; Must run it with debug mode. 2. Set up a remote debugging, specifying the socket and in this case forkMode is not necessary.

It is just a summary for what I have been through.