How to get ScreenCapture with mouse pointer?

The screen capture app on my Macbook Pro (the one that comes up when I press Cmd + Shift+5) has an option to capture the mouse pointer as well. However that option doesn’t seem to work - the capture works fine, but there is no mouse pointer in the captured image.

There is some discussion here, but no resolution. I’m relatively new to the Mac - is there something I’m missing, or do I need to install a third-party screen capture app?

Solution 1:

You can do using Terminal. After running Terminal, run this command:

screencapture -C -T5 Desktop/test.png

This will create a file test.png including cursor on your Desktop 5 seconds later.

Solution 2:

You can open Preview and go to File -> Take Screenshot -> From entire screen, and the cursor will show up.