How to Record Both Mic Audio and Speakers while using headset

I'm trying to record my screen with sound at the same time, but right now, my jack stopped working (it's with the red light) and I have to use a headset so that I can have sound on my Mac.

So my question is: Can I record my screen, my audio input (me babbling) and the supposed audio output that should come from speakers (that now its coming out from my headset).

Is there a way, Or is it just impossible?

Solution 1:

I've seen many questions like this. The simple solution is Soundflower. You can download it for free at As to where you're recording, you would need to select the Soundflower (2ch) or Soundflower (16ch) as your input.

Input 1 = your microphone's audio/your babbling
Input 2 = your speakers' output