NFS (with Kerberos) mount failing due to "Server not found in Kerberos database" error

It seems that the reverse name resolution for the IP is not matching the name you are expecting. Make sure that and are the first name that you added to /etc/hosts after the relevant IP address. To be safe, just add a couple of lines on the top with the IP address of the machine and the hostname that kerberos expects.

10.x.y.z sol ip-blah-blah
10.a.b.c mercury ip-other-other

Make sure that both of these lines are present on both the client and the server.

It is also a good idea verify the setup by running the following command on both the client and the server. Make sure that the first hostname printed for each IP address is the one you are expecting.

getent hosts 10.x.y.z 10.a.b.c