I am running Windows 7 and want to remove "Games Explorer"

Very simply, I want it gone (deleted, removed from the hard drive), but Windows is not letting me.

I have checked many forums for this answer only to see another question: "Why do you want to do this?" I find this very frustrating.

I just want it gone and I'm hoping someone can tell me how to do it.

Solution 1:

As Dennis points out, it's not possible to remove the "Games Explorer" system in Windows 7, as it's part of Explorer. It's existence isn't really eating up any extra space or resources on your system.

You can uninstall Windows' games themselves via the Windows Features applet, and hide the Games entry from your Start Menu via the Start Menu's properties.

There's a nice tutorial on how to perform these actions here.

Solution 2:

Sorry, but this is impossible.

Source: Windows 7 Secrets - Paul Thurrott, Rafael Rivera - Google Books

Solution 3:

Unlike the others trying to push their opinion, I know why you want this:

  1. Simply delete (using Unlocker app, if needed) all the DLLs beginning with gameux from the windows folders (system32, syswo64, and winsxs).

You'll no longer be annoyed by the game starting delay bug

Obs.1: Whenever you try to open the games explorer, a error message will come up

Obs.2: If you don't delete from winsxs, the SFC might restore the file

Obs.3: Deleting things from HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\GameUX does not work