Get head from world coordinate and give it to player

If the head is inside a template chest, you can use /clone to clone the chest to a player's position, and use /setblock in destroy mode to cause the chest to drop the head on the player.

  1. Clone the chest to player's position.

    /execute at @p run clone Tx Ty Tz Tx Ty Tz ~ ~ ~

    T: Location of template chest.

  2. Set the chest to air, causing it to drop all the items on the player.

    /execute at @p run setblock ~ ~ ~ air destroy
  3. Delete the chest entity.

    /kill @e[type=item,nbt={id:"minecraft:chest"}]

You could do

loot replace entity <player selector> <slot> mine <cords> minecraft:stick

That should work unless I messed up the command syntax. If it doesn’t work for you comment it so I can help. That command will replace the slot the command specifies on the player with the loot from mining the head. (Which will be the head). This works if the head is placed. I hope this helps.