How to teleport to a specific place but near player

Well i'm triying to make a stand (From jojo's bizarre adventure) On minecraft, all good, i added the team to erase the collisions, and the Friendly fire. But i got a dismiss, Everytime the command teleport the husk to me, it teleports to my exact coords, but i want it teleports the Husk to 1 block far than me

You could do

execute as <player selector> at @s positioned ~<x offset> ~<y offset> ~<z offset> run tp <husk selector> ~ ~ ~

The positioning offset is based on x y and z cords. For raycasting use the ^ instead of the ~ for the offset. ^ ^ ^1 is forwards. ^ ^ ^-1 is backwards. ^ ^1 ^ is upwards. ^ ^-1 ^ is downwards. ^1 ^ ^ is to the left. ^-1 ^ ^ is to the right.