Examining Berkeley DB files from the CLI

Solution 1:

Use the db_dump program. It is contained in the package core/db (Arch), db-util (Debian, Ubuntu), sys-libs/db (Gentoo, note that here the binary is called db4.8_dump or whatever version you are using).

On some systems the man pages are not installed, in that case the documentation can be found here. By default, db_dump outputs some hex numbers, which is not really useful if you are trying to analyse the content of a database. Use the -p argument to change this.

Show everything that’s in the file database.db:

db_dump -p database.db

List the databases in the file database.db:

db_dump -l database.db

Show only the content of the database mydb in the file database.db:

db_dump -p -s mydb database.db

Solution 2:

Check out the db-utils package. If you use apt, you can install it with the following: apt-get install db-util (or apt-get install db4.8-util or whatever version you have or prefer.)

Additional links:

  • http://rpmfind.net/linux/rpm2html/search.php?query=db-utils
  • https://packages.ubuntu.com/search?suite=default&section=all&arch=any&keywords=db-util&searchon=names
  • Man page of db4.4_dump