Unable to set Tail Number on some aircraft

I've managed to 'permanently' change the Tail Number / Registration number across most of the aircraft in MSFS2020 by editing the aircraft.cfg files and changing the atc_id tag as advised in various posts online, but it seems a number of aircraft don't have an aircraft.cfg file.

The DA40-TDI is one example.

I have tried creating an aircraft.cfg file in the same place as this config files lives for other aircraft and have recreated what I believe is the relevent part of the file, but it's still not changing the Tail Number.

What I've created is:

;===================== FLTSIM =====================

atc_id = "M-YTAIL" ; tail number
atc_id_enable = 1 ; enable tail number
atc_airline = "" ; airline name
atc_flight_number = "" ; flight number

This is being placed under the official folder rather than under the community folder - I might try the community folder at some point.

It has been suggested that the Premium aircraft don't have aircraft.cfg files as part of the copy protection, but I haven't been able to confirm that yet.

Has anyone managed to change the Tail Number on the DA40 or any of the others without aircraft.cfg files?


I've tried putting the new aircfraft.cfg in Packages\Community\asobo-aircraft-da40-tdi\SimObjects\Airplanes\Asobo_DA40_TDI but still no tail number change. I'll play around with the sub-folder structure, but it would be useful to know what the structure is for community aircraft.

Solution 1:

It seems that one of the recent updates (5, 6 or 7) has resolved this. I can now change tail number for all bundled aircraft (Premium Deluxe bundle) that I have tried, and the change persists between sessions.