How to power my 120v 60hz CRT and classic gaming consoles in 230v 50hz countries

I'm moving to Ireland next month. I have a small collection of classic gaming consoles and a Sony Trinitron that I play them on.

My CRT is a Sony Trinitron KV-27FS100 which requires 120v 60hz and Ireland is 230v 50hz.

I use it to play PS2 and N64 / watch standard definition NTSC movies.

Is there a good solution to keep my stuff working?

Solution 1:

Most consumer electronics operate within a certain range of voltage.

The Sony Trinitron KV-27FS100 model states it requires 120v 60hz, but works fine at 110v 60hz as well. The KV-27FS100 requires 185w to run.

You will need a frequency/power converter. The Hercules model from KCC Scientific should meet your needs perfectly.

You're PS2 and N64 will work fine with a run-of-the-mill step-down transformer that takes 230v 50hz and outputs 115v 50hz.